Wednesday, August 26, 2015

You didn't have to stoop so low...

Last time I checked I was a bit less selfish than I am today. Well you never know, what passing days do to you. Looks like for most of today's youth, life is only a life if you can get 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 likes on some social media platform. It doesn't matter what you turn into, and when you simply forget that the other people are also human beings, and all that you want to achieve in a short cut comes at other's expense.

I feel sad for both Sarabjit and Jasleen because in my view they both are victims. Whoever is right and whoever is wrong doesn't matter much (when it definitely should!). But I see a subset of all involved in this getting what they want; to be a focal point of fame where everyone is listening to and talking about them. Some media channels are getting great TRPs, posts related to them getting tens of thousand likes on Facebook and trending on Twitter. They are in the news!

My mind does not stop at the hopelessness of situation. I think there are some good aspects of this episode (and it bugs me that negativity weighs down this positivity!). If Sarabjit is wrong then a lesson to all those who have guts to think that they can do or talk like whatever they do with whomever they do. A lesson to that arrogant kid on the roads of our cities - that this harassment is not gonna continue for long- you better change your conduct and the way you behave in society. Simply because it belongs equally to others as well.

If Jasleen is wrong then it's a lesson to our society and the mindset - that privileges are meant to be enablers rather than abuse them. That people will not only sympathize with you but your arrogance can backfire on you. It is time to start thinking that this land does not only belong to those who are (were, or claim to be) oppressed! "Aisa nahi chalega" is a ever right sentence - it will apply to me, you and will apply all the times. Fame will diminish, power will diminish and mass memory will fad away.

Whatever be the case; as a human I have achieved a new milestone. A milestone where I am more derogated than I was yesterday. To me all that matters is publicity, good or bad; that doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter if I will shine for a while as my all wrong doings get forgotten, or if I use the system against itself. It doesn't matter if someone loses a job (it is a meager necessity!), gets a shameful tag which might chase him all his life but I am happy!

All because of those likes and that publicity and that life changing chance for some 3rd class movie or a ticket to politics, I don't care what I have become. I am a derogated human who have broken my own record at stooping low. Tomorrow no one will believe victims for what I am doing today. 

No wonder somebody who is part of this episode will be contesting some election next season for sure! And this bugs me; this mistletoe is successfully propagating itself over my mind, body and soul!!

We are Indian youth who is pissed off at everyone- the old politicians for driving the country to drain, religions for dividing our people, arrogant rich people, cricketers and celebrities for not considering anyone else worth anything. Precisely for this reason we do not have much of an option to look forward to and when we become part of such incidents for any reason- our last hope is gone. This is a situation where we do not need any enemy to deteriorate our society, we are the one! So Ms Jasleen or Mr. Sarabjit please come ahead; do not cover truth but be brave and set a right example.

Time is changing, from men who shared with each other; to people who are only focused on themselves - we have come a long way. Satisfaction has turned into a hunger, where our ambitions head; where we are sitting on track to catch the first train to a life of fame, easiness and run over anybody or anything that comes our way. We want to use every opportunity, shortcut to our advantage. But we should remember its a shared world, while we make our lives better at the same time we should have compassion towards fellow beings. The tomorrow is gonna be what we make of it.

First person version:
Second person version:
Third person version:


  1. An interesting point of view.

  2. Very well written and thoroughly analyzed. Keep it up!
